
Freelance Website Designer In Indore

A part-time freelance writer who is trying different ways to earn money online.

Which site will you choose?

Which site will you choose?

There are many options for a freelance writer and opportunities are growing day by day. If you are beginning your freelance writing career, then freelancing sites are a good option. I am not saying that they are the only option for beginners, but in my opinion, they are the best option. So, here are some of the best freelancing websites for freelance writers.


In my opinion, Upwork is number one among freelancing websites for writers. I still work on Upwork, and I am having a great experience. The site is easy to use, and Upwork gives you many payment methods. You can also download the Upwork mobile app to respond to messages and apply for jobs on the go.

You can find a lot of jobs that are posted regularly on this website. Many jobs are posted and they are spread through a wide variety of categories. Because of this variety, just about anyone can use this platform. Since the jobs are classified according to the experience required to complete the job, you can find jobs that suit your level of experience easily.


  • Easy to use
  • Classifies jobs into three different categories
  • The Upwork fee is lowered when you earn more money from a client.


  • The Upwork fee is more on smaller contracts.
  • Some jobs pay an extremely low rate for your work.


Fiverr, as the name suggests, features many gigs starting at just $5. Fiverr allows you to include three different packages in your gig, so that you can earn more than just $5 and offer more to the client.

Fiverr has its issues, just like any other site mentioned in this blog post. Fiverr has improved, but still, there are issues with protecting sellers.

It is hard to get started on Fiverr because all kinds of writing gigs are already being offered by experienced writers. I have been on Fiverr for several years, and I have only received a single order during that time. There are people who are ready to write 3,000 words for just $5. So, you will have to find a way to get orders in the beginning if you want to succeed on this website.


  • Fiverr has a lot of buyers.
  • You can customize your gigs and charge a serious amount of money.


  • No seller protection
  • Serious competition
  • Fiverr takes 20% of what you earn.

Constant Content

Constant Content is different from Upwork in more ways than one. Constant Content is a big marketplace for content, and you can produce content on any topic hoping that it will sell. You have the freedom of deciding the price of the content, and you must keep in mind that Constant Content takes 35% of the total price as their cut.

You can also use your expertise and fulfill specific orders. You have to pass some tests before you can join Constant Content, and they contact you within 5 days if you are selected.


  • You can write on any topic that you choose.
  • You can decide the price of the content if you are posting an article.
  • You are paid better than most of the freelancing sites.


  • Beginners will not find it easy to get accepted and earn from Constant Content.
  • The cut that they take is high.


TextBroker pays on the basis of your quality rating. If you get 2 stars out of 5 stars, then your pay is going to be low. Your aim should be to get 5 stars so that you can earn a good income for your work. You can improve your quality rating at any time. You are paid on the basis of your quality rating on open orders. There are team orders and direct orders where the client sets the price.


  • You get paid on the basis of your quality ratings.
  • The rates are already known.


  • For US residents only.
  • It may take time for your rating to improve and sometimes it may never improve.
  • Five stars are rarely given.
  • Only a few clients are willing to pay for a high-quality writer.


Freelancer is a really popular freelancing website with its fair share of problems. Freelancer welcomes beginners, and they can find many jobs on Freelancer. You will have to compete with others and find time to understand the details related to the website. Freelancer is one of the largest freelancing websites, so it cannot be ignored.


  • Plenty of jobs to choose from
  • Many categories of work


  • You have to pay the fee to Freelancer even if the client vanishes and does not pay you.
  • The support system is very slow in responding to complaints.


This website has to be on the list of the best freelancing websites. PeoplePerHour has an application process to make sure that only quality writers get through. If you have some experience, then PeoplePerHour is a good choice.

There is more than one way to get work on PeoplePerHour. You can work on short job assignments called hourlies, or you can apply for individual jobs. Once you become established as a freelance writer, you may be contacted directly by the clients.


  • You can ask questions to clients even before your proposal is accepted.
  • Jobs are classified on the basis of skill level.
  • You can send a video proposal to the client.
  • You cannot bid below a certain amount, which ensures fair rates for everyone.


  • There are a low number of jobs in the writing category.
  • They send a lot of spam.


Guru is a great place for freelance writers to find their very first gig. Guru, like some other freelancing sites, is filled with people who are ready to work for pennies, especially in the writing category. Nevertheless, Guru can be the place where you can find your first job. I do not recommend Guru to experts as they have far better alternatives.


  • The fee is lower than some other freelancing sites.


  • Finding a job can be difficult.
  • The site does not look pretty.


Instead of charging you a commission fee, iFreelance charges you a monthly membership fee. I like it that iFreelance has not taken the normal route and done something different. The site is not for newbies because there is a lot of competition, and there is no escrow. You will have to pay monthly membership fees for maintaining the account, and iFreelance will not offer you something extraordinary.


  • Spam-free website
  • Unlimited bids
  • Low membership fees


  • High competition
  • No seller protection

Final Words

It is not easy to determine which freelancing website to join. I strongly recommend Constant Content, Upwork and Textbroker. Other websites on this list are also good, but these few stand out. As a freelance writer, it is not going to be easy to get started, but choosing the right freelancing website is a step in the right direction.

Freelancing websites aren't your only option, but they are a good one for beginners. If you are experienced, then you may earn more by building your own network than relying on a freelancing website. Websites like Upwork take 20% of your earnings away in case of small projects so that is something that you have to consider.

I hope that this hub was helpful. Feel free to share your thoughts below.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2018 Kshitiz Gaur

Freelance Website Designer In Indore


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